2.1. Response to CATI-based recruitment attempts (Table 1 in the paper)

The table provides details about the different stages in the recruitment process and indicates the impact of incentives on the telephone recruitment effort.

# Table with absolute frequencies
t1 <- WaveOne %>%
  filter(is.na(PUMA1)==FALSE) %>%
  filter(datenotok=="Datum ident" | is.na(datenotok)) %>%
  with(table(PUMA1,Pumavers)) %>%

# Table with relative frequencies
t2 <- WaveOne %>%
  filter(is.na(PUMA1)==FALSE) %>%
  filter(datenotok=="Datum ident" | is.na(datenotok)) %>%
  with(table(PUMA1,Pumavers)) %>%
  cbind(table(WaveOne$PUMA1)) %>%
  prop.table(2) %>%

# Combine both tables
paste0(t1, " (", scales::percent(t2[,1:5], accuracy = 0.1), ")") %>%
  matrix(ncol = 5) %>%
  cbind(c("Yes, I’ll participate (Internet access available)",
          "Yes, perhaps (please send me more information)",
          "Yes, I’m essentially interested, but I don’t have internet access",
          "No, I cannot participate for other reasons (such as German-language skills)",
          "No, I’m not interested",
  ),.) %>%
  as.data.frame() %>%
             "2€ token",
             "5€ token",
             "Total")) %>%
  kable("html") %>%
  kable_styling("striped") %>%
  column_spec(1, width = "30em")  
Answer Brochure 2€ token 5€ token Voucher Total
Yes, I’ll participate (Internet access available) 322 (29.0%) 369 (35.0%) 399 (37.9%) 383 (37.1%) 1473 (35.3%)
Yes, perhaps (please send me more information) 12 (1.1%) 11 (1.0%) 10 (0.9%) 8 (0.8%) 41 (1.0%)
Yes, I’m essentially interested, but I don’t have internet access 26 (2.3%) 30 (2.8%) 32 (3.0%) 27 (2.6%) 115 (2.7%)
No, I cannot participate for other reasons (such as German-language skills) 20 (1.8%) 30 (2.8%) 18 (1.7%) 25 (2.4%) 93 (2.2%)
No, I’m not interested 729 (65.7%) 614 (58.3%) 595 (56.5%) 589 (57.1%) 2527 (58.9%)
Total 1109 (100.0%) 1054 (100.0%) 1054 (100.0%) 1032 (100.0%) 4249 (100.0%)